

Simple and quick. Schedule your boat launch on our ramp, pay online and enjoy!

Please read the information below before proceeding:


  • 2024 Season Ramp Pass holders, can book their launch in advance, please read the steps on the bottom.
  • Choose your time slot, and remember to get at the Marina 15 min before your chosen time in order to get your boat ready for your launch.
  • If you get late for launching, we might have to reschedule your launch to respect the other boaters’ time frame.

Searching Availability...

If you are a 2024 Season Ramp Pass holder, every time you want to launch your boat, it would be best if you book your launch before your arrival. So, please follow the steps below:

    1. If you have already purchased the 2024 Season Ramp Pass; please come to the office to pick up your tag to be fixed on your car mirror.
    2. With your tag on your mirror, you are allowed to schedule your launches by accessing this page and selecting the “Daily Ramp Pass” by clicking “Book Now.”
    3. Choose a day and hour you are planning to launch your boat.
    4. Click on “Apply Promo or Voucher” then type the Licence Plate you used when you purchased your 2024 Season Ramp Pass and click on the “Continue” button.
    5. Now you are on the “Create a Booking” page, and you have to fill out your “Name,” “Email,” and “License Plate Number” (the same you used when you purchased your “Season Ramp Pass.”
    6. At the bottom of the form, click on “I have read and agreed to the Terms of Service” and then click on “Continue >”
    7. That’s it! Since you are already a “2024 Season Ramp Pass Holder,” you don’t have to pay anything else. Just click on the green “Pay” button to confirm, and you have successfully booked your boat launch!
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