
SUMMER 2021: Parking And Boat Launch Updates & more!

To adhere to best practices and keep our clients, members and staff safe, please be mindful of the following changes:



  1. There will be designated parking areas for slip members, Store and Launch members, Ramp pass holders and day users. Our staff will direct you to the areas where you can park.
  2. For parking on the streets around the marina, please do not park with trailers attached so space can be made available to as many cars as possible.
  3. We ask if you will park on the street to park at any angle to the road, not parallel. Again be cooperative with the staff, and they will show you designated areas to park.
  4. There is an area blocked by the town on Gilford road; please do not park there as the town will tow your car and give you a parking ticket.
  5. Also, on Beach Rd, there are new NO PARKING SIGNS, so avoid that area.
  6. If you have a slip or hold a ramp pass, please get a mirror hanger from the office to show that your car is registered for parking; otherwise, you will get a ticket for parking.

    RAMP – Boat Launch

    1. We have implemented a new system for the ramp.
      CLICK HERE to book your time slot.
    2. If you have purchased a season ramp pass, you would still need to book your time slot on the system. Choose the second option that will not charge you but will reserve your spot.
    3. You will need to enter your order number/ramp pass permit in the notes so we can verify that it has been booked.
    4. If you have store and launch, you will still need to reserve your spot.
    5. For day-use clients, please choose the first option to book your spot and pay for it online.
    6. If you do not reserve a spot, we will try to fit you in, but we will prioritize anyone with an appointment.
    7. We ask you to arrive 15 minutes before your reserved time so you can prepare your boat for launching.
    8. From 7 am to 4 pm, priority will be given to launching IN, from 4 pm to 8 pm, priority will be for launching OUT. Please note that it might take longer to launch out at the end of the day, so schedule your time accordingly.
    9. We understand that this will take some time to get organized, so we ask you to be patient with us until everyone follows this new procedure.
    10. Please note that any verbal abuse or aggressive behaviour towards other patrons or employees will not be tolerated. Any service paid will be revoked immediately. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to providing you with the best service on Lake Simcoe.


    Office Hours 
    We have designated Members-only service hours from 8 am to 11 am Thursday – Sunday at the new area behind the current office. This will allow members to avoid lineups due to food ordering or rentals. Please note that we can handle many of the issues by phone or email for your convenience. Although we would love to see you also.  

    Do you know someone that wants to experience boating? 
    We have a full fleet of different boats to rent so you can experience the beautiful Lake Simcoe.  

    Mechanic Shop 
    Make sure to let us know if your boat needs any service. We have a qualified mechanic on-site to service your boat and get you safely on the water in the shortest time.

    Cooks By the Bay (food truck) 
    Why not treat yourself to a nice meal from our food truck. You can order online or over the phone, and we’ll bring it to your slip. Or come back in the middle of the day, and we’ll drop it off to you. Slip members enjoy a 10% discount on our food items.
    How about coming into the store for a yummy Gelato soft serve with toppings to treat yourself and your family during those beautiful hot days.

    Gas at Dock 
    We are again extending a $0.10 off on gas for slip members. We suggest that slip members have us fill their tanks during the weekdays before their arrival so you don’t have to wait and your boat is ready when you arrive. Otherwise, we will give you priority to access the pump to fill up

    Remember to always maintain social distancing and wear a mask when you visit our indoor store.

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    Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.