

Each season requires special care on your boat. For the winter we offered the Winterizing service, and now that summer is coming, we are ready to start the Summerize service.

Our service includes:  

Hook up + Charge Batteries

Install Drain Plug

Check All Fluid Levels + Change if Needed

Check All Pump Blowers and Any 12 Volt Systems

Nav Lights- Interior Lights

Check Outdrive + Propeller

Inspect Bellows + Drive Anodes

Make Sure Shifting In and Out of Gear Properly

Check All Hose Clamps + Hoses

Inspect Trim Pump for Fluid + Operation

Check and Clean Flame Arrestor

Drain Anti-Freeze from Engine

Start Engine + Check All Gauges

Run+ Check for Temp + Oil Pressure

Check Charging Systems

Check for Proper Idling


*Due to the high demand, we might have to modify your selected week. First come, first serve.


1155 Gilford Rd,

Innisfil, ON L0L 1R0

E: info@cooksbaymarina.com

P: 705-456-6212
or 647-910-BOAT (2628)

Toll free:

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