
It’s the time of year that we all love. Canada Day weekend will be filled with love & celebration here at Cooks Bay Marina, and you are always invited to enjoy it with us.

Check out everything we’ve prepared for you from Friday to Sunday (July 1st to 3rd 2022 – 10 am to 7 pm):

Friday, July 1st – Canada Day:

Around 9:30 pm after dusk come with your family and friends to celebrate and enjoy a dazzling 25-minute fireworks display!
After, we will have a fire pit around the food truck. 


Sunday, July 3rd – Kids Day:

It’s not just adults who enjoy our activities, as children are always with us. That’s why we prepared a special day for them. Bring your kids and family to enjoy a fishing day! The fishing rod and bait for your kids are on us, and you will be able to accompany your children during this activity. In addition, buy a meal at our food truck and get a yummy gelato🍦 for free!


Food truck (Friday to Sunday):

Our special rib menu is a hit, and that’s why throughout this celebration weekend, we will serve it to you and your family for just $14 each in our Food Truck.



If you have any questions, send an email to info@cooksbaymarina.com, or please call us at (705) 456-6212 or our toll-free number 844-910-BOAT (2628).

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