
It is hard to think about Spring and a beautiful boating season with all the cold surrounding us, but be of good cheer, it is fast approaching.

As you may have heard, Jackie has sold Cooks Bay Marina to us. Jackie, Jason and Sandra took really good care of their clients and we look forward to providing you with exceptional service in the 2019 boating season.

My name is Atef Salama and I have a wonderful team of people helping for a smooth transition and fun filled season.

We are putting together a great events calendar with different activities weekly that will be fun for all ages. Also, we are adding many extra services that will be communicated to you very soon. We are currently working on updating the website, please stay tuned!

If you have not reserved your slip for 2019, please let us know immediately so we can arrange to provide you with the best service. We look forward to any suggestions on how to provide you with the service you come to expect.

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