
Yesterday was our Annual Kids’ Fishing Derby and we had just as much fun as the kids! We could not have asked for better weather for being outside for the morning, casting a line, and spending time with family and friends.

Prizes were awarded for Biggest Fish, Smallest Fish, and Most Fish Caught. We were so happy to partner with True North Fishing Outfitters who sponsored our worms as well as the prizes for our anglers! True North Fishing Outfitters is located in Gilford, at Gilford Rd and Yonge St just a few minutes up the street from us where you can find tackle, bait, and more!

We also hosted a Colouring Contest during the Fishing Derby lead-up and were so grateful to have had Mr. Evans donate a fishing rod as a prize for that! The Bush’s were so kind to come and lend a hand with measuring fish and brought freezies for all of the kids for a perfect end as the sun got stronger.

Our smallest fish of the day was 3.5″ and our biggest was 13″! Our Marina Kids caught just about everything in between and we even have a few fish stories of “the one that got away”.

Thank you to everyone who helped make the Annual Kids’ Fishing Derby a success for another year!

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