
We cannot believe that July is just around the corner but are excited for Member events on the horizon:

Sunday, July 1st from 8:30am-10:30am join us for a drop-in Pancake Breakfast to kick off Canada Day. Come see us at the Clubhouse for a bite (and of course real maple syrup is on the menu)!

Sunday, July 8th from 10am-12pm is our Annual Kids’ Fishing Derby! This always popular event for Marina Kids 12 and under requires registration so we can ensure we have enough snacks and goodies for everyone in attendance. Registration can be done by sending an email to the office with the children’s names and ages or by popping in to see us during office hours.

To go along with our Fishing Derby we are running a Colouring Contest! Every Marina Kid 12 and under who participates will be entered into a draw to win a prize! Colouring pages and entry forms can be picked up and dropped off to the office up to the day of the Fishing Derby (photos are also posted on our Facebook page if you want to print them from there). We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

A busy month ahead! We hope you can join us!

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