
This season starts with a memorable experience of historic naval activities in North America!

We are honoured and glad to announce a wondrous visit by the Lake Simcoe Squadron. They will anchor their boats and set camp on the shore with a fire pit cooking. Come and witness the re-enactment of simple living our ancestor sailors used to experience.

Fun food (special menu on Saturday with delicious ribs) and music will be available at our Food Truck from 11 am to 7 pm. Why not grab a gelato ice cream and have a chat with the Squadrons to learn more about our naval heritage. 😊

 WHEN: June 4th & 5th

 WHERE: Cooks Bay Marina

If you have any questions, send an email to info@cooksbaymarina.com, or please call us at (705) 456-6212 or our toll-free number 844-910-BOAT (2628).

Come, cheer up, my lads!
We are looking forward to seeing you and your friends on board for this adventure!

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