
We are located in a unique spot and are able to have quick access to major cities but also feel like you are a million miles away from that hustle and bustle. The Marina is surrounded not only by a beautiful lake with great fishing, swimming, and many places to drop anchor and enjoy the view, but our grounds are full of the beauty of nature as well. We regularly get to see a variety of animals enjoying the Marina grounds and have recently added a pair of Bald Eagles to the list of animals we are fortunate enough to share our space with. We also have bunnies, Starlings, Robins, ducks, minks, various fish, and a grey heron (who we affectionately refer to as Karen) regularly making appearances around here. Nearby, peacock and peahen sightings are quite common, and if you are ever in this area when the snow flies a snowy owl frequents Gilford. We are also happy to say that we have been noticing more Monarch butterflies and bumblebees around this year. Very encouraging!

Have you spotted the animals that visit the Marina or make the Marina their home? Let us know what else to add to the list!

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