
After a cold and long winter, it is time to celebrate the summer arrival and all the beautiful things that make our country unique.

You, your family and friends are invited to join us on Sunday, May 22, 2022, at 9 pm in this event full of beauty and love for our homeland. Get ready to enjoy a long 25-minute fireworks display which will light up all our visitors from their boats or anywhere around our premises.

Enjoy our Food Truck full of delicious food that has just reopened, or try our wide choice of yummy flavours of ice cream.





Photos by Gaby no Canada


If you have any questions, send an email to info@cooksbaymarina.com, or please call us at (705) 456-6212 or our toll-free number 844-910-BOAT (2628).

Check out some of the beautiful moments we had at our celebration: 


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