
Enjoy 20% OFF on all boats available for a Worthwhile Cause!

Do you know that Zambia ranks among the countries with the highest levels of poverty and inequality globally?

Thus, Cooks Bay Marina teamed up with St. Maurice & St. Verena Coptic Orthodox Church to support their mission trip to Zambia.

ALL BOAT RENTALS from August 1st to August 7th, which use the promo code ZAMBIA have 20% OFF, and Cooks Bay Marina will donate 50% of the rest value to the cause to provide food, toys for kids, and medical supplies to the population.

Be part of and collaborate with this cause!


Do you want to learn and enjoy it even more?
Come to visit us on August 1st, where the missionaries will be at Cooks Bay Marina in a booth to answer all your questions about the mission trip, explain more about Zambia, and, why not say, bring even more fun. They will have a Prize Wheel for you to play! Some beautiful and valours watches from www.watchdeals.ca will be among the countless other prizes, so enjoy it!



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