The Beauty of Nature

The Beauty of Nature

We are located in a unique spot and are able to have quick access to major cities but also feel like you are a million miles away from that hustle and bustle. The Marina is surrounded not only by a beautiful lake with great fishing, swimming, and many places to drop...
The Corn Roast is Coming!

The Corn Roast is Coming!

We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our Annual Member Corn Roast on Saturday, September 1, 2018! This year we are having a Potluck Style party with Members bringing sides and desserts and we will be providing the main course, non-alcoholic beverages, and of course...
Civic Holiday Weekend is Here!

Civic Holiday Weekend is Here!

It is hard to believe that August is already here. This weekend we welcome the Civic Long Weekend with a forecast of hot, humid weather. This will be a perfect opportunity to snap some photos for our photo contest! The submissions we have received so far have been...
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