
It is hard to believe that August is already here. This weekend we welcome the Civic Long Weekend with a forecast of hot, humid weather. This will be a perfect opportunity to snap some photos for our photo contest! The submissions we have received so far have been beautiful. We are enjoying seeing our Members take advantage of all that Lake Simcoe has to offer. Facebook album of submissions will be put together so that you can see what your fellow Members have snapped, so keep your eye on that page too!

If you check out the Tips and Tricks section of the blog you will find some advice on how to keep cool and sun safe while you enjoy the water this weekend. We are looking forward to seeing many of you this weekend. (A great chance to take advantage of a special we are running in the Square Rigger store: a can of pop or bottle of water, small bag of Party Mix, and a Cooks Bay Marina postcard for $2 plus tax!).

See you soon!

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