Lake Simcoe Squadron at CBM

Lake Simcoe Squadron at CBM

This season starts with a memorable experience of historic naval activities in North America! We are honoured and glad to announce a wondrous visit by the Lake Simcoe Squadron. They will anchor their boats and set camp on the shore with a fire pit cooking. Come and...
Meet & Greet – Summer 2022

Meet & Greet – Summer 2022

Being a member is being part of the spirit of our marina. At the new Private Members’ Lounge on Saturday & Sunday – May 07 & 08, 2022, we held an event exclusive to our members. With delicious food, activities and gifts, we were delighted with the energy...
Seraphinite AcceleratorBannerText_Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.