
This week is the Lifesaving Society’s Drowning Prevention Week. This annual campaign happens on the third full week of July. Today is the Be Boat Smart Day of the campaign and we wanted to share some Top Tips from the Lifesaving Society with you in order to help you be Boat Smart:

• Get carded! Get the Pleasure Craft Operator Card.
• STARTboating® is a national program from the Lifesaving Society designed to educate new boaters on the basics of how to be safe and responsible boaters.
Boat Sober!
• Alcohol consumption is a factor in almost 40% of boating-related fatalities.
Lifejacket Use.
• Choose It. Use It. Always wear a Lifejacket or PFD.
• Lifejackets don’t work if you don’t wear them. Not wearing a Lifejacket or PFD was a factor in 82% of boating deaths.
• Even good swimmers need lifejackets.
Safety Tips
• Don’t boat alone. Boating alone was a major risk factor in boating-related fatalities (29%).
• Stay seated. You can easily fall out of a small powerboat, canoe or kayak.
• Always have a boat safety kit on board.
• Know before you go. Check the weather forecast and learn about local hazards.
• Watch out for other swimmers and boaters. Always have a spotter when towing waterskiers and tube riders.

(Source: http://www.lifesavingsociety.com/media/279514/2018ndpwthemesmessages-on-en.pdf)

For more information visit: http://www.lifesavingsociety.com/water-safety/boating-and-lifejackets/boating-regulations-and-safety-tips.aspx

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